Inspire, Create, Persuade
How to promote your business on social media

1 – decide why you want to be on social media
Are you using it to simply get your name out there?
Do you have an online shop and you want to promote sales?
Are you holding any events that you want to promote?

2 – decide which social media accounts you want to use
The main ones to consider are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Facebook allows you to create a page for your brand, and then post as that brand (rather than using your name). You can include information about your services and link to your online shop.
Twitter is more ‘news’ based and tweets are limited to 280 characters. You can use hashtags (#) to label your tweets and enable people to find them.
Instagram is image-based so this is the place to post pictures of your designs. Hashtags work across Instagram so you could use #bathroomdesign for example, to help people find you.
Don’t feel you need to be on every platform, think about which networks your audience use and start there.
3 – decide on the name for your pages/accounts. The best thing to do is relate it to your brand, and use the same one across each social network if possible.
Now you have your accounts, you need to think about what to post. It will depend very much upon your business but below are some ideas
- Before and after pictures of some of your installations
- Details of any special offers you have running
- Behind the scenes posts about your staff
- Any renders you have created (remember to use #VW4D and we’ll re-post them for you)
Top tips
- Post regularly. You can use software such as Hootsuite (which has a free plan), to post content in advance.
- Include images on some of your twitter posts – tweets which images get more attention than just text.
- Video works well for getting attention on Facebook and posts containing video will be seen by more people than posts without.
- Links posted in captions on Instagram, won’t work. If you need to include a link, put it into the ‘website’ section on your bio, and state ‘link in bio’ on your caption.
- Instagram features a stories option, things you post here will disappear after 24 hours but you can save them on your profile as highlights.
- Don’t forget to use hashtags.