Inspire, Create, Persuade
The price is right with Virtual Worlds One Price

Helping save time and increasing efficiency for KBB retailers, Virtual Worlds One Price cloud-hosted pricing system makes it easy to create kitchen and bathroom designs and see the related price or quote in real-time, as the design progresses.
With One Price, there is no need to import/export data, no need to download price updates, no need to post edit quotes, no need to write pro-forma invoices and no need to double handle Purchase Orders.
Extending beyond just the design of a product, Virtual Worlds One Price allows showrooms to instantly produce quotes, pro-forma invoices and purchase orders using simple, customisable templates. Retailers can manage them from any device, wherever they are, through the cloud.
While Virtual Worlds designs are priced seamlessly in the background, One Price can also be used independently of this too.
The system’s unique cataloguing method means that individual parts of a single item can be amended and automatically amended or changed, ensuring the quote remains accurate, even when the item being specified is altered.
Using the latest retail price lists, enables orders to be automatically assigned based on best margins and accounting for price or percentage discounts. Quotation templates enable retailers to ‘hide’ product codes to avoid clients seeing a ‘shopping list’ that can be used to purchase online.

With a wide range of products available through Virtual Worlds’ expansive catalogues, customers can fully assess the options available to see which one suits them both aesthetically and financially before they commit to a project.
The whole system is designed for flexible, fast and accurate pricing.
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